SciCoMove Workshop #5 : Applied Science and Collection
SciCoMove focuses on “provincial” and “peripheral” museums and collections, in particular those resulting from three crucial fields in the nineteenth-century natural sciences: paleontology, anthropology, and botany and the related “applied sciences”, such as horticulture, commercial geography, pharmacy, and pest control.
In recent years, natural history museums have been studied as stimulators but also as results of economic activities in local, provincial and imperial contexts. Conversely, pharmacy, horticulture, commerce and industry generated their own collections either as an advertising device or in relation to knowledge and economic innovation. Models of fruits were produced as part of the forgotten discipline of pomology; botanical, zoological and mineralogical collections were part of the teaching and practice of pharmacy, ethnographic artefacts were displayed in relation to commercial geography. Today these collections are dispersed or fragmented according to contemporary disciplines. Their origins, past uses and former connections are forgotten.
The SciCoMove workshop #5 in Angers October 6th 2023 focuses on these topics: our goal is to reestablish lost connections thanks to archival and documentary research.
9.30 AM – Welcome (coffee)
- 10.00 AM – Introduction : Scientific collections in the context of application
Cristiana Oghină-Pavie, Université d’Angers TEMOS UMR CNRS 9016 - 10.30 – The Spanish Pomona Project: experimental horticulture in 19th-Century Barcelona José Pardo Tomás, IMF – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Barcelona
- 11.15 – Seeds in collection: conservation of living organisms and basis of work for Seed Testing Stations (1869-1939)
Anaïs Got, Université d’Angers, TEMOS UMR CNRS 9016
12-1.30 PM – Lunch
- 1.30 PM – Cesare Lombroso’s collection and the applications of psychiatry and criminal anthropology
Silvano Montaldo – Università degli Studi di Torino - 2.00 Grasses and livestock in Rio de la Plata
Susana Garcia CONICET – Museo de La Plata - 2.45 Weaving nets: fisheries and natural history from Barcelona in Enlightened France
Aina Trias Verbeeck – Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
3.30-3.45 Break
- 3.45 Forever young. Roses and fruit-trees collections in genetic research – visit of collections in INRAE Angers (off line)
Agnès Grapin, Jérémy Clotault, Alix Pernet, Valery Malécot, Fabrice Foucher, Vanessa Soufflet- IRHS Université d’Angers, Institut Agro, INRAE - 5.15 General discussion and concluding remarks by Nathalie Richard- Le Mans Université, TEMOS UMR CNRS 9016, Irina Podgorny – CONICET Museo de La Plata
6.00 PM End of the Workshop